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Glitch Dash: fast-paced platformer thrills within a 3D world

by Hari.K

posted in Glitch Dash , endless running , game , app

You will all have to admit that apart from entertainment, mobile gaming brought along several advantages. One of these is the possibility to hone one’s reflexes and other skills while on the move. Sounds unreal, right?! However, it’s now within the reach of everyone and it will be wise to make good use of it all. It will certainly be a great idea to start with the app that we are about to highlight…Read on!


It’s on the way to your local download stores and as earlier mentioned, it’s a game that seems to come with the ability to thrill! According to the developer, Glitch Dash is presently being refined and it will eventually hit the App Store and Google Play in the days to come. Players will be tasked to use their skills to weave their way through deadly rotating mechanical courses that’ll also test several other abilities. 


Glitch Dash: fast-paced platformer 


If you are used to speed-honing titles, you will certainly agree that this fun-looking game is set to offer the same kind of fast-paced, reflex-testing gameplay as the likes of Super Hexagon and Velocibox. Following some observations, we can confirm that it will be a real challenge to play Glitch Dash on your tactile device if you are easily disoriented. However, nothing is impossible with some practice and consistency!


Check the app’s latest released trailer here for an idea of what’s coming and remember to keep an eye on this blog for further updates from the developers. Also note that the launch date is also going to be revealed in the days to come; you will certainly not want to miss out on it!

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